The Identity Thief

two women in stylish clothes

I had no idea an image consultant existed when I was younger, let alone that people would need someone to teach them how to pick clothes that best fit them. Having grown up with parents who were both healthy, dressed well, and had effortless style (my mum more than my dad, sorry dad), I assumed that making choices about what to wear and what suits one best was something everyone knew how to do. It turns out that they don't. People sometimes just need a bit of help understanding their shape and making the right choices.

So, this sneaky little thief I'm talking about is the identity thief. It happens to all of us at different points in our lives (sometimes more than once with my more mature clients) when this ‘thing’ (imagine it how you will) sneaks upon us and leaves us feeling lost, unsure of who we are and what defines us.

A number of my clients noticed the appearance of theirs during meetings, brunches, and first dates. There were two small children and some dinosaurs on the kitchen floor when I noticed that i had been visited. No offense to dinosaurs or to my children. As I sat quietly with the boys whizzing around me, I realized I couldn't remember what made me tick, apart from being a mom and a homemaker. Having completely devoted myself to motherhood, I no longer recognized myself. Even though I wouldn't change a minute of it (that's a little lie... more sleep, more wine), outside my role as a mother, I didn't recognize Tessa. I also had changed shape and none of my pre-baby clothes were appropriate or fitted my new shape.

It was this light bulb moment on the kitchen floor that made me realize it wasn't just me who struggled with maintaining identity as life changed. I am not just talking about women who are seeking to define their post motherhood identity here. In my work, I have worked with teenagers entering sixth form, university students preparing for their next chapter, divorcees, women going through menopause, and many courageous people who have come through gruelling chemotherapy programs.

Therefore, I retrained as a Personal Stylist and Colour Analysis expert based on my own personal experience. While I don't have a magic wand, I work with my clients to help them piece together their lives as they are and to claim back their identity so that they can start feeling like themselves again.


What It Means To Know Your Colours


Style Confidence: 8 Tips To Find A Feel-Good Style